The Future Of Secure And
Sustainable Energy is Now
The Future Of Secure And
Sustainable Energy is Now
The Future Of Secure And
Sustainable Energy is Now
Why AleAnna

Leading the Energy Transition
AleAnna is contributing to securing Italy’s and Europe’s energy future by delivering immediate, reliable natural gas while advancing renewable natural gas (RNG) solutions. AleAnna is a technology-driven energy company leveraging advanced technologies to optimize reservoir performance and expand its renewable natural gas (RNG) portfolio. AleAnna has over 140,000 acres of owned 3D seismic data to unlock Italy's natural gas reserves, supporting Europe’s sustainability and energy security goals. By turning organic waste into carbon-negative power and bridging cleaner energy sources, AleAnna is paving the way for a sustainable and secure energy transition.

Powering Progress, Fueling Humanity
In a world short on energy, billions of people lack access to affordable, reliable, lower-carbon energy, which is crucial to human flourishing. Addressing this crisis is one of today’s greatest global challenges, and we believe natural gas is the best-positioned solution to answer that call. By safely and responsibly delivering critical energy to markets in need, AleAnna will help address one of the great threats to human prosperity. Centered in the Po Valley, AleAnna has $70 million (PV10) of Proved Reserves; $90 million (PV10) of Probable Reserves; and $115 million (PV10) of Possible Reserves. Moreover, 18 additional prospects have a mean estimate of .220 Tcf Prospective Resources.

Building a Stronger, Greener Europe
AleAnna’s total oil and gas holdings exceed 2.7 million acres (including approximately 400,000 acres of licenses currently under suspension due to the Pitesai, whose formal repeal is pending. AleAnna’s holdings include one production concession covering 6,600 acres, 15 applications (which can be converted to licenses at AleAnna’s request) encompassing 1.8 million acres, and 13 permits totaling 940,000 acres. AleAnna owns 33.5% of Longanesi, Italy’s most significant onshore natural gas discovery in over two decades. With three major Po Valley discoveries already made and fourteen natural gas projects planned this decade, AleAnna plays a pivotal role in Italy’s energy transition. The Po Valley's extensive infrastructure, featuring 33,000 kilometers of gas pipelines, three major storage facilities, and over 60% of Italy’s RNG facilities, aligns with AleAnna’s commitment to sustainability.

Innovating for a Sustainable Tomorrow
AleAnna’s RNG portfolio includes over 100 projects representing approximately €1.1 billion investment and potential investment, including three operational projects; 8 projects in negotiation with €80 million potential investment; 9 projects in due diligence with €100 million potential investment; 7 projects in advanced evaluation with €90 million potential investment; and 73 projects in early evaluation with €770 million potential investment. Integrating RNG into Italy’s pipelines and supporting local farmers, these efforts enhance energy security, sustainability, and economic growth across the region.

Harnessing Technology for a Net-Zero Future
AleAnna's team of seasoned energy leaders, hailing from industry leaders such as Shell, Eni, and Exxon, brings unparalleled expertise to the forefront of innovation. By leveraging advanced technologies, including cutting-edge reservoir characterization, high-resolution seismic imaging and processing, and sophisticated data analytics, AleAnna ensures efficient and sustainable energy production. The company’s strategic approach prioritizes reducing carbon emissions while addressing the increasing global demand for energy. With a commitment to innovation and responsible practices, AleAnna develops and implements the technologies and systems necessary to drive progress for both people and the planet. Through these efforts, AleAnna actively contributes to the global journey toward net-zero emissions and lays the groundwork for a cleaner, more sustainable energy future.
AleAnna in Numbers
% Working Interest In The Longanesi Field -- One Of Italy's Largest Modern Gas Developments
Exploration Permits Covering Over 940,000 Acres That Pave The Way For Future Growth In AleAnna’s Conventional Production
Applications Covering Over 1.6 Million Acres Providing Optionality For Future Conventional Exploration And Growth
Million Acres Of Oil And Gas Concession In Italy, Paving The Way For Future Exploration And Development
Development Projects Planned Over The Next Decade, Supported By 3D Seismic Surveys And Leases, And At Various Permitting Stages
Years Head Start On Permitting Which Provides A Best-In-Class Portfolio That Cannot Be Easily Reassembled Or Copied
Total AleAnna Wells Today Including Five At Longanesi And One Each At Trava And Gradizza
Ultimate Longanesi Wells Expected In AleAnna And Padana's Longanesi Field
Discoveries In The Po Valley Including Longanesi, Trava, And Gradizza
Thousand Acres Of 3D Seismic Shot In The Eastern Po Valley (Approximately 567 Kilometers)
Thousand Kilometers Of Natural Gas Pipeline Infrastructure In The Po Valley With 3 Gas Storage Facilities
Person Years Devoted To Advanced Geophysical Analysis (DHIS & AVO)
Years Reserve Life Of AleAnna’s Existing Proved Undeveloped Reserves As Estimated By Degolyer & MacNaughton
% Drop In Italy's Domestic Natural Gas Production Since 2000
Bcf In Annual Russian Gas Supplies That Europe Is Attempting To Backfill
% Of EU Energy Demand Represented By Natural Gas And Most Is Not Used In Electricity
% Of Italian Natural Gas Is Imported -- Prior To The War, Most Was From Russia Through Ukraine
% EU RNG Penetration Mandate By 2030 Per The EU Green Deal
% Of Italian Natural Gas Consumed To Generate Electricity
Thousand CNG/LNG Refueling Stations In Italy, The EU Leader, And About 70% More Than Germany
Largest EU Manufacturing Base Represented By Italy Demanding 15% Of Total EU Gas And Power Consumption
Increase In EU Biogas Expected By 2030 And The Production Could Increase By 4x By 2050 To 3,355 Bcf
% Of EU's Natural Gas Demand Is High Temperature Industrial Processes That Cannot Be Readily Electrified
% Cumulative Expected EU Electricity Demand Growth Over The Next Decade (3.6% CAGR) Driven By Electrification And AI
€/MWh Forward Electricity Prices In Italy, Some Of The Highest In The EU (Vs. EU Average Of 50 €/ MWh)
% Of EU's 2023 Natural Gas Imports Continued To Be Sourced From Russia (~43 Bcm)
Million Dollars Invested In AleAnna Since 2007 In Historical Million Dollars
Years AleAnna Has Continuously De-Risked And Developed Its Assets
% Of The Available Anaerobic Digestors In Italy That AleAnna Is Targeting
% Of Italy's 2,924 RNG Facilities Reside In The Po Valley
Projects In AleAnna’s RNG Prospect Backlog -- Of Which, ~90% Are Brownfield Opportunities
€/MWh Government Backed Biomethane Floor Price For AleAnna’s RNG (Which Translates To $39/Mcf)
Gco2e/MJ Carbon Intensity Score Of AleAnna’s Carbon Negative RNG
% Italian Government Sponsored Cash Pay Investment Credit For Biomethane Infrastructure Development Expenditures
Years Over 100 Years Of Combined Experience Across The AleAnna Management Team
Years Of Combined Experience By AleAnna’s Board